Reviewers wanted!

Hey everyone!

Another recruitment drive for the TBO machine here. We had an absolutely fantastic year last year, and a lot of that was thanks to the amazing new contributors we took on in the summer. However, that does mean that we’re now doing better than ever and as a result, we’re getting sent a lot more material. We need some new writers to help us to cover as much as we can.

The position is unpaid, but you’ll be getting a ton of awesome music sent your way before the general public will get their hands on it, and you’ll be contributing to a fast growing site that receives over 100,000 hits a month. While we’re at current only looking for reviewers (both live and recorded material), there is plenty of opportunity to move onto other things once we get to know your style.

If you’re interested, please email with a sample of your work. Previous experience in this field is not necessary, but a passion for alternative music and the ability to write well is vital. We tend to expect two contributions per month from our writers, but we are flexible. We’re looking to take on another two reviewers at this time.

xoxo – Ripper

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