Well, summer’s nearly over. August bank holiday weekend always feels weird as an adult — I guess because I’m not at Reading Festival like I might have been a long time ago? Also, sitting in your PJs on the Sunday burning through Ash vs Evil Dead isn’t really that different to any other night, except for the fact that it’s Sunday and you don’t need to be in bed.
How things change.
However, as the end of the summer approaches, it’s a good time to sit back and reflect. I’m currently 20 books deep in my To-be-Read challenge, which is pretty spectacular. I had a really good holiday, off on a cruise around the Adriatic with stop-offs at Venice and places where they filmed Game of Thrones. I’m also writing a D&D campaign properly (sort of — I started it last week, but hey, I started it) and it feels like I’m getting somewhere with that.
I’m half-contemplating NaNoWriMo this year, even if just to get a start on a book properly. I can’t stop thinking about vampires and superheroes, and I’m not sure that’s a good mix, but I’ll never know if I don’t get the words down on paper. It was great to have time to stop and not think about anything on the holiday, but now that I want to start thinking again, I’m struggling to figure out how to do it. I need to take more walks, listen to more music (and hey, isn’t that new Brand New album really bloody good) and give myself space. I don’t give myself enough space, really.
I still haven’t found a writing space, either. We figured that we need to cowboy up and actually buy a house in order for that to really be a thing. Three bedrooms means one actual bedroom, one music room, one study. I think I need that.
But alas, any thoughts of scribbling will go totally by the wayside over the next couple of weeks, because Destiny 2 is out soon, and so is new Star Trek, and I’m very excited to lose myself in daydreams of broken galaxies and kicking ass. Live long, shoot first and fucking prosper.