Review: Cayetana – Hot Dad Calendar [EP]

Let’s not mince words – it’s only February and already, I reckon I’ve found my two favourite releases of this year. Against Me!’s Transgender Dysphoria Blues is a total masterpiece, and then, there’s the new Cayetana 7-inch, Hot Dad Calendar. It’s only two tracks long, and frustratingly so, because Cayetana are totally now your new favourite band. For reals.

Hot Dad Calendar is intrinsically punk rock, as was its predecessor, the aptly named Demo. None of it feels processed or phoned in, or obviously written by just one person; instead, this record, like the one before it, sounds like the product of sweet jams. It lacks some of the rawness of the demo, which came out in December 2012, but instead, Cayetana have found a much more balanced sound while still remaining somewhat low-fi.

Titular track ‘Hot Dad Calendar’ gives off some truly sunny indie-punk vibes. The guitar has the perfect tone, and the lyrics are totally honest and touching. I want to write songs like Cayetana. I want to write songs that mean something, like these ladies do, with lines like “I know you really want to make it out alive”, which strike perfectly. ‘Ella’, which was previously included on the demo, is just as effective, with really punchy drums and simply stunning guitar.

Two tracks, incredible though they are, just isn’t enough. When Cayetana put out a full-length, they’re going to be pretty unstoppable, so get in on the ground floor now.

5 out of 5 high fives!

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