Review: You’ll Live – Lost. Forgotten. Abandoned. Buried. [EP]

US screamo outfit You’ll Live are back on the scene with their new four track EP Lost. Forgotten. Abandoned. Buried.. To be released on the 7th of October, the US three-piece recorded and mastered the EP while touring across the US, Canada, the UK and Europe.

The four tracks each make up part of the EP’s name, showing how it is meant to be listened to as a complete package, a unified production, rather than a mere collection of songs. First track, ‘Lost.’, is a short and sharp assault. Clocking in below the two minute mark, it still has time to overflow with raw emotion, provided primarily by the raspy vocals of … and pushed further by the driving guitars.

In this sense, the second and third tracks, ‘Forgotten.’ and ‘Abandoned.’, continue in a similar vein. The similarity resonates back through their previous catalogue as well, with the exception of the vocals which have deepened into more of a growl than the more shriek-y sound on debut EP Things Would Change If You Heard This and their full length Above The Weather. However the screamed vocals and lightly distorted guitars are still features of each release.

Final track ‘Buried.’ is the odd one out on the EP, with its 7 minute run time showcasing the slowest and most epic sound from You’ll Live to date. These seven minutes, about the same length as the rest of the EP combined, show the real progression and maturing of the band. It is as if you’re transported into the studio with the three of them, just listening to them jam and losing yourself in the music. However, what the EP gains in its methodical and contemplative style, it risks losing in its appeal to first time listeners, with far fewer riffs that tend to stick in the listener’s head and draw fans in.

3 out of 5 high fives!

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