Above The Underground – Autumns [EP]

(Click the pic to download!)

One of Lazy Bear’s latest free(!) releases, Cheshire lads Above The Underground have come out swinging with their latest EP, Autumns. A rip roaring affair, ATU navigate the murky waters of the pop-punk genre with ease.

Straight off, Anchors, a track included on Lazy Bear’s previous compilation, grabs you by the throat and tosses you across the room with its passion and aggression. Some incredible gang vocals, which feature strongly through the rest of the EP, kick this song into gear and the intensity doesn’t let up at all. For All It’s Worth is strongly reminiscent of early Northstar – catchy choruses, a few great woah’s and a melody that’ll stick in your head for days. And yet, my favourite track of the EP is Under The Weather. Guaranteed to be the unsung hit of the year, it features some awesome drums, some killer hooks and breakdowns that’ll have you bouncing off the walls.

While ATU have found their formula and know what works, they’re not exactly averse to some experimentation either. Lights is an atmospheric interlude, showing off what effects the band has managed to master. Don’t be fooled though, it pays off for what makes a great intro into Close Your Eyes And Drive. The aforementioned track is a great one, but it’s where the EP should have ended. Final track, MMIX features some incredibly repetitive and rudimentary piano which jars with the guitars. The track just feels so much different to the rest of the EP and would better have been included in a full length album.

While the EP wears its influences on its sleeve (many tracks sounding fairly akin to You Me At Six, Northstar and New Found Glory), Autumns is still a fantastic release and in many ways, its familiarity makes it all the more endearing. Perfect to brighten up this (so far) weary, rainy June, Above The Underground certainly deserve your time and your love.

4 out of 5 high fives!