Oh, Kennedy. Here you come again with your shiny disco tunes. I actually won this EP in a competition last month, which came as a nice surprise, considering I don’t win much over the internet. I won’t let this cloud my judgement though, yet despite my noble intentions, I can’t help but think this shit is awesome.
The truth is, I’ve always loved Kennedy, right from the moment I heard the immortal line Nobody loves you like your mama loves you, but who’s lovin’ your mama? I am, I am!. All of his songs have this wonderfully tongue in cheek quality, but if there’s one thing the man is serious about, it’s how to get down and dirty on the dancefloor, and this comes through perfectly in this EP. There is not a single song on this EP that you can’t dance to and I can guarantee that this will be your favourite summer record, packed with sing along moments and funky beats.
There are some absolutely glorious songs on this EP. It opens up with ‘Life Is A Party’, a pretty chilled out offering with some hilarious lyrics, as per the usual fare with Kennedy (and I would absolutely love to see him in those Star Wars pyjamas). This has such an infectious whistle in it, and you will soon be pissing everyone off with it. The next song, I Hate Rock And Roll is a bit more upbeat, with some kick ass 80’s style piano and pounding synth. Again, there are so many awesome sing along parts and great lyrics, and this EP really plays to Kennedy’s strengths, highlighting everything great about his songs in a short space of time. Third track, John and Yoko actually makes the Beatles somewhat interesting, with Kennedy’s tale of how he’ll be the John to your Yoko. This song actually contains one of my favourite lines ever – The universe started with a big bang, you and I started with the same thing!. I don’t know what it is, but I just can’t resist a good innuendo in my disco, and if that’s your bag, this guy’s got plenty.
The only real problem I have with this EP is the remix of Your Mama. To me, it just doesn’t fit with the rest of the EP, and it’s shameful milking of a successful song. Don’t get me wrong, the original version is fantastic, but it just feels like a bit of a filler track, which an EP just doesn’t have room for. However, that’s thankfully followed by Karate, which is possibly my favourite Kennedy song after Let’s Get Def. Karate is funky as hell. And let’s face it, that’s all the description a disco song really needs.
So, if you’re looking for some fun tunes to get you in the mood for summer, Kennedy is definitely your man. This EP is a great taster of what he’s capable of, and if you like this, you should definitely check out his album, Kennedy For President.
4.5 high fives!