Review: The Color and Sound – Peace of Mind [EP]

Formed from the embers of two recently kaputt Boston bands, The Color and Sound merged together their influences and ideas back in 2012 and released their first EP in the spring of the following year. With a wide range of musical backgrounds, the group have spent the last year or so touring and honing in their varying influences and experiences, creating what they call “a uniquely-tinted blend of a modern indie band”. If that description doesn’t do much for you, try to imagine the love-child or Mumford and Sons and Reliant K, with a dose of Modern Baseball there too.

On the back of the amalgamation of their influences, The Color and Sound have released a new EP Peace Of Mind, through New Jersey DIY label Black Numbers and it certainly is all sorts of indie pop-punk (but easy on the punk). Peace Of Mind is six tracks of optimistic pop-driven rock. Opening track ‘Cigarettes’ uses explosively indie-pop choruses to announce much of what is to follow, with the strong melodic vocals creating a high point.

In Peace Of Mind the group seem to be calling on a number of influences (I’ve already mentioned the unmistakable Mumford-ish sound with smatterings of other indie-pop-rock) and create a sound that is ridiculously upbeat but off-the-wall at the same time. It’s like someone condensed Little Miss Sunshine into an EP. While it is not an entirely unique sound, it is one that they are truly making their own. The EP probably doesn’t have enough punk in it to use the tempting label of pop-punk, although it skirts around the edges, but it has hooks and melodies to keep you bopping along in a happy-go-lucky way.

I’ll be the first to say that it’s not for me. I like that their joyful style really does seem to be a reflection of the band members – check out their lyric video for ‘Cigarettes’ in the style of a karaoke machine or take a look at their Facebook page and you’ll see what I mean – but the optimism is lost on me somewhat. There’s no anger, edge or real overflow of passion, and I need that in a song. That said, if you dance around to Against Me!’s gentler numbers, if you love a bit of Say Anything, or if you lose yourself in an Arcade Fire album, then we may have found your new obsession!

3 out of 5 high fives!

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