Ah, summer… the most glorious of seasons. Well, if I’m being honest, I’m an autumn gal, but summer does provide lots of excellent opportunities – sun, sea and gigs by the plenty. Some of the best songs are inspired by those golden rays, and here’s our choice for the top 10 songs of summer.
NB: for a couple of links, I had to use the site FBRplus because Fueled By Ramen aren’t allowed to host music videos on Youtube any more and all the home made vids sucked. I apologise for the myriads of shit you’ll have to wade through until you reach the songs I mentioned.
10) Something Corporate – Punk Rock Princess
I don’t know what it is about Something Corporate that always makes me think of summer. Maybe it’s because I played this song over and over a few summers ago. Maybe it’s because SoCo are from California. Maybe it was Andrew McMahon’s wavy blonde locks in the video. Anyway, it’s pop-punk with shiny sparkly piano and that makes me happy.
9) The Academy Is… – Slow Down
I promise, the whole list isn’t going to be nice, mellow pop-punk, but this song just screams summer. It’s the perfect blend of Beckett’s beautiful vocals, jangly guitars and an epic chorus. Perfect for playing on the porch when the sun starts to go down.
8) Gym Class Heroes feat William Beckett – 7 Weeks
Travis McCoy’s tale of being on the Warped Tour with good pal William Beckett (he can be twice on the list because he has summer hair. Don’t ask me what that is, it’s hard to explain) is perfect for chilling out with. Plus I really like the guitar in this.
7) Skee-Lo – I Wish
Does this really need any explanation? This is a classic summer tune. Enough said.
6) Motion City Soundtrack – Boombox Generation
The synth in this song is particularly fun, and fun makes me think summer. Take it from me, there is nothing better than putting some MCS on and bouncing down the street when nobody’s looking. It’s great iPod material, so get it on there and dance like in the adverts!
5) Less Than Jake – Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin
What kind of a person would I be if I didn’t put some ska on a summer playlist? To be honest, there are plenty of LTJ songs I could have chosen, but this one has a ton of energy, lots of horns, and is one of the best songs ever. Ever.
4) Say Anything – Got Your Money
This is on here for booty shaking purposes. No more, no less.
3) The World/Inferno Friendship Society – The Velocity of Love
This song has a real Parisian feel to it. Is it the accordians? The bohemian sentiments? Jack Terricloth’s alluring voice? It’s all three, if I’m being honest. If you haven’t already, fall in love with this band this summer. You won’t regret it.
2) Millencolin – Punk Rock Rebel
This has one of the catchiest opening riffs I’ve ever encountered. Not to mention that it’s all about a skateboarding hero of the band’s, which is the sport of choice when it comes to summer (Wimbledon doesn’t count, it’s not punk enough). Millencolin are one of my favourite bands to listen to in the summer because they’re really upbeat and a lot of fun.
1) Blink 182 – Reckless Abandon
Blink 182 ARE my summer band. Since the summer of ’03, I’ve not had a single summer where I haven’t been sat around with my friends with some Blink 182 blaring out of some awful CD/MP3 speakers and why? Because Blink 182 sing about being stupid teenagers, and that’s what summer’s all about.